Got a Veggetti??
So my new friend on Instagram, Tanya @tannyraw, did a video on this great gadget. We both bought ours at Bed Bath & Beyond. I used one of my $5.00 off coupons and got this gizmo for mighty cheap. You see my original spiralizer broke about a year ago and I have been whining about it and decided to finally replace it with this little guy. I was thinking how easy it will be to pack it along with my travel blender and juicer when we travel. The first veggie I experimented with was carrot. Just look at the noodles this thing made out of just 1 small carrot!!! I added them to my killer kale salad yesterday and enjoyed this deliciousness for lunch, in the sunshine. The next veggie I experimented with was a green zucchini. I used the "thin" side to create these long, thin noodles. Reserve the small leftover end of zucchini that does not spiralize; this will go in the sauce. Tonight on the dinner menu was Raw Mushroom Marinara Sauce served over a bed of raw z...