Cabbage Rose

Lately I have been loving our daily juice routine. We tend to have our green smoothies first thing in the morning so our juicing happens right before lunch. Usually our juices are quite GREEN so this recipe was a change. It was really sweet with the 3 apples and the carrots. I found it on line and decided to give it a try. The children loved it!! This would be a great juice for those new to juicing. It is excellent.

Today this juice was my lunch. I am experimenting with a different form of the raw foods diet to see how I feel eating a low fat, high carb raw vegan diet. You know where this is leading--yes it is basically 80-10-10. I have not read Doug's book but have been following several raw foodists who eat this way and it is pretty basic.

I gave up oils several weeks ago and have been consuming no nuts, only occasionally some soaked seeds. So this will not be a big transition for me considering I eat a very low fat raw diet to begin with.

I stayed so full after my large green breakfast smoothie that this juice is all I could really eat for lunch. I will  make up the calories at dinner. I'll have a large bowl full of bananas and dates and then a green salad with some of my homegrown white clover sprouts and some fresh tomato dressing.

Here is Philip McCluskey and Natalia KW's juice recipe:
Look at this gorgeous color!

Cabbage Rose
by Philip McCluskey & Natalia KW

1/2 small purple cabbage
3 carrots
3 apples
1 inch knob of fresh ginger
Prep all ingredients and juice.

+JMJ+ Today I am grateful for beautiful memories of my lovely mother-in-law. May she rest in PEACE.


Mr. H. said…
What an interesting combination, including cabbage in a smoothy is something I will have to try. Best of luck with your version of the 80-10-10 diet.