Stung by a Scorpion
Each year we make it a point to travel up to our favorite spot in the mountains. Some times we even get up there twice in one year. We decided to plan a our trip during the week that we normally attend the Homeschooling Conference. This year I just didn't feel the need to go to the conference and preferred a relaxing week in the mountains instead. This is the new cabin we chose. It is in the same area that we always go but we wanted to try staying at a different cabin for some variety. The cabin was lovely and we loved the property. Our views were stunning. Almost every night we enjoyed a blazing camp fire and even some glutenfree, vegan smores. We even could go on hikes right down the hill of the property we were renting. The kids had a blast exploring all that nature has to offer. We did many other fun things with the children to enjoy our time together. We took some of them horseback riding and the rest of us enjoyed following along in a c...