Broccoli Appletini (alcohol free)

I've been in juice mode lately; consuming a large quantity of fresh juices everyday. It feels totally amazing!!! Satisfies my nutritional needs so adequately that I am not feeling hungry until evening time. So I've been intermittent fasting for even longer stretches of time each day. Has been coming out to be about 20-23 hours between my last meal of the previous day and my first meal of the following day. And it feels really great!
Today I have had my usual morning lemon water followed by my 2 ounce shot of fresh wheatgrass juice about an hour later. And in place of my morning carrot juice today I was feeling the need for a large green juice cocktail. I made a Mocktail that I'd like to call my Broccoli Appletini.

Broccoli Appletini

by Elizabeth

3 leaves of "Broccoleaf" (visit to see this)

8 stems from Broccoleaf leaves (

3 broccoli stalks from fresh broccoli (see photo below)

2 "Sunset" cucumbers

2 lemons, peeled (mine were not organic)

1/2 of a large Golden Beet Root, peeled

4 Grannysmith apples, organic

Run everything through your juicer and enjoy!

+JMJ+ Today I am grateful that I am able to drink fresh juices every dang day!!!!!


Malegra said…
Nice post..keep up the good work of posting great stuffs.
Diabetic medications said…
Great Post and Nice Article.Its looking so Good and its better for good health.I like it.Thanks for sharing.

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