I Got It, My Spiralizer, Finally!!

One of my birthday gifts from my sweet, sweet husband was a spiralizer!!!! YEAH! I finally can make zucchini noodles the right way.

He also got me a white ceramic counter top compost pail. I LOVE it. It looks good and it holds a lot of scraps. I am amazed at how much good compost stuff we have been collecting. Now I need a bigger compost bin out in the backyard.
I am getting ready to plant my gardens. Sounds strange doesn't it?? Most of the other states are harvesting the last of their produce and down here in SW Florida it is planting season!! I have quite a bit of soil in the compost bin out back and I look forward to custom blending my soil for my two square foot gardens. Let's just hope I can keep the neighborhood rabbits away from my greens.
The very first raw dish I made with my new spiralizer was pasta and sauce, RAW style of course.It takes a tad bit of preplanning if you want to have a raw  "Parmesan" cheeze topping. I wanted  some marinated mushrooms instead of trying to make and dehydrate raw meat(less)balls. 
For the cheeze I soaked some raw cashews and pumpkin seeds for about 2 hours, air dried them over night and then spiced them up a bit, creating the most delicious cheeze topping ever. The mushrooms were very easy; white button mushrooms with a drizzle of EVOO, balsamic and some spices.
My raw noodles were the typical zucchini and my raw marinara was made with sun dried and fresh tomatoes, with a few key spices.  Here is my recipe for  Raw Spaghetti with Mushroom Sauce and Parmesan:

RAW Parmesan Cheeze
1 palmful of raw cashews, soaked
1 palmful of raw pumpkin seeds, soaked
pinch of sea salt
pinch of red pepper flakes
pinch of dried onions
pinch of garlic powder
+Soak the cashews and pumpkin seeds for 2 hours in filtered or spring water. Drain and allow to air dry overnight on paper towel. Process the dry nuts and seeds with the salt, red pepper flakes, dried onion, and garlic powder. Set aside.

Marinated Mushrooms
6 button mushrooms, sliced
First Cold Pressed EVOO
Balsamic vinegar
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of fresh black pepper
Pinch of onion powder
Pinch of dried Italian seasonings
+Drizzle some EVOO and balsamic over the mushrooms. Add all of the remaining spices and toss to coat well. Cover and let marinate 2 hours or more.

Marinara Sauce
10 sun dried tomatoes, soaked 1 hour in filtered or spring water
4 Campari tomatoes (from Canada--green house, vine ripe)
2 T First Cold Pressed EVOO
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 tsp dried Italian seasonings
Pinch of onion powder
Pinch of sea salt
+In a small food processor, process the sauce till almost smooth, keeping a few chunks from the tomatoes.

RAW Noodles
1 large, green zucchini
+Using a spiralizer, make the raw noodles.

Plate the noodles. Top with the sauce, then add the marinated mushrooms and finally top with the RAW Parmesan cheeze. Enjoy!!
~JMJ~ Today I am grateful for a "beautiful sky" that my 6 year old pointed out to me. "Mom, look at that beautiful sky". He is such a joyful person and notices so many things that I just over look. I am so thankful to be able to see the world through his precious eyes.


Mr. H. said…
Happy belated Birthday! What a neat device, I want one of those too.:)

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