Trees Gone Wild and Sprouty Pear Salad

Here are our beautiful banana trees. I posted sometime ago about our banana harvest. We really enjoy our bananas and are sad during the months they have no fruit.

We also have a citrus tree that has gone wild. It is suppose to be a Key Lime Tree. The second and third years after planting, it produced key limes. Ever since then it has been producing what we believe to be regular limes!!?? It has us baffled. Look at the size of these limes, clearly NOT key limes!! I have no idea what happened, but it sure is a beautiful organic tree.
 The other morning I wanted a quick and easy breakfast. I have been sprouting like crazy and decided to go back to an old standby recipe, pears and sprouts. Here is what I made:

Sprouty Pear Salad

1 Bartlett pear, sliced
broccoli sprouts
fresh lime juice
sesame seeds, raw
raw honey

Slice the pears, gently toss with some fresh lime juice and arrange on the plate. Drizzle the pears with a little raw honey, sesame seeds and finally top with the broccoli sprouts. Another way to eat this is wrapped up in large romaine leaves. That is how I eat it when taking breakfast on the run! Enjoy.
~JMJ~ Today I am grateful for people who are so giving of their time. A dear lady in our homeschool group freely offered to help me with a task that seemed so overwhelming to me. She has a full plate, almost double the amount of children that I have, and still was kind enough to help me. In a world where everyone seems to only look out for themselves it is people like her that really make me smile and realize that there are still some charitable people out there. Thanks "N", Love Ya!!


kelli said…
wow, i LOVE your trees!

pears and sprouts with lime sound yummy. you come up with some pretty great breakfasts!

so sweet of N to help you out. there are many kind people out there - angels on earth!=)
Gabriele Agustini said…
I am SO happy to have found your blog!!
Great job! I'll be back!
I'm now a "Follower".
Thanks for sharing,
Cynthia said…
I finally got a chance to watch the WWR slide show. Looks like they had a blast. I guess I didn't realize you were away for that long. Sounds like a great trip.
The Pears in Ohio are wonderful right now. I'm eating 2-3 a day. Reminds me of my Grandma and Grandpa Friske when I was growing up. They had 3 trees in their yard and we always picked them and canned them. They are so delicious when their fresh off the tree and perfectly ripe.
Miss ya Cynthia
Elizabeth said…
Thanks for the comments today...I love it when people take the time to post a note!!

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