Welcome! I am a certified Raw Vegan Food Chef sharing my recipes, thoughts, and passion for the raw, living foods lifestyle. Also sharing vegan cooked food recipes that my family enjoys.
Disclaimer: Written for informational and enjoyment purposes only, NOT a substitute for professional medical expertise.The writer of this site is not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter.
Reversing Cancer with a Plant Based Diet
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Now here is a great story. A Texas major went vegan and now spreads the word to others. I have the same t-shirt as they do but mine is blue and white :) Just thought I'd share that. Anywho.....I wanted to share this article; I see it as a step in the right direction. Those in leadership using their position in a positive way, sharing the truth about health, diet, and the amazing benefits of veganism. Look at this,"The popularity of plant-based eating has also influenced at least six local restaurants to add vegan dishes to their menus." Now that is another step in the right direction. This is Texas guys!!!! You know how much they idolize their animal protein.
Reversing cancer simply by making the PROPER lifestyle and diet changes is possible. Yes it can be that simple.
It is the medical industry $$$$$ that wants you to believe it is complicated and scary and expensive. Do the research. Let me say that again, do the research; there is no denying the truth. Do a simple Internet search for "raw food diet for cancer" and you will have plenty of healing testimonials to read. Then look up medical studies on GreenMedinfo.com and you'll have months and months worth of great studies to read and research.
What we put into our mouths everyday can determine the level of health we will or will not possess. After the article I have posted a video showing how our "feet, forks and fingers" are "the master levels of medical destiny for millions upon millions year after year."Watch the video clip below for the explanation.
I also attached an article showing the alarmingly high levels of radiation patients are given and the harm it can cause. And of course I've included a great vegan recipe that just so happens to pack a powerful cancer fighting punch!!
Here is the first article:
Texas Monthly
The Mayor Went Vegan, Then Spread the Word
Ed Smith, the five-term mayor of Marshall, with his wife, Amanda, changed his diet after a cancer diagnosis in 2008.
The side of Vicki VanDeCarr’s tote bag reads, “Only kale can save us now.”
In Marshall, a growing number of residents believe that slogan is not far from the truth. Barbecue and chicken-fried steak are a way of life in this corner of East Texas; so are obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. But because of the mayor, Marshall is becoming known as a stop on the national vegan speaking circuit and a small city where people who eschew animal products can order in restaurants.
Ms. VanDeCarr, 52, came to Marshall from nearby Beckville last weekend for the New Year, New You Health Fest, which promotes a vegan diet. In its third year, the event attracted more than 400 people from 17 states and three countries. The agenda included exercise classes, cooking demonstrations and lectures by vegan celebrities like the runner Scott Jurek and the cooking instructor and author Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.
One day last year, Ms. VanDeCarr’s Zumba instructor invited her for vegan snacks after class and sent her home with a copy of the 2011 film documentary “Forks Over Knives.”
“Before, I thought going vegan was like eating cardboard and hugging a tree,” Ms. VanDeCarr said. “After eating some of her food, I was like, ‘Man, it tastes really good.’ ” She watched the documentary, which helped convince her that a plant-based diet could help her avoid some of the health problems plaguing other members of her family. Since then, Ms. VanDeCarr has helped her daughter, son-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law and four grandchildren convert to what she calls a plant-based, whole foods diet. Although the diet promoted in Marshall excludes animal products, most refer to it that way, avoiding the term vegan. “Vegan” calls to mind what you cannot eat, while “plant-based, whole foods” emphasizes what you can, said Shannon Johnson, the Zumba instructor who converted Ms. VanDeCarr.
Ms. VanDeCarr now brings lasagna made with meat-substitute soy crumbles to her church dinners. Her conversion is not an anomaly. Many area residents attending the festival spoke of adopting a plant-based diet, dropping pounds and reversing chronic health conditions. The Facebook group for Get Healthy Marshall, the movement’s umbrella organization, has about 600 members.
Get Healthy Marshall was started by the five-term mayor, Ed Smith, and his wife, Amanda, who directs the nonprofit group. When Mr. Smith received a diagnosis of prostate cancer in 2008, he decided to treat it with aggressive dietary changes under a doctor’s supervision. He began eating only whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Scans later showed that the cancerous growth had disappeared.
“Many people are using that approach and getting great results,” said Dr. Neal Barnard, president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a preventive-medicine group that advocates a vegan diet.
The Smiths thought that lifestyle could benefit others. In 2011 the couple held two events in Marshall that featured the former firefighter Rip Esselstyn, who helped his colleagues switch to a plant-based diet and wrote the New York Times best seller “The Engine 2 Diet.” One event was for firefighters, and the other was for all residents. When the residents’ talk drew nearly 200 people, the Smiths decided to underwrite an annual festival.
Reggie Cooper, the assistant fire chief, who attended the program for firefighters, said he had struggled to manage his diabetes with medication and what he considered a healthy diet: baked fish and chicken, fewer fried foods. After the program, Mr. Cooper and two other emergency responders switched to a plant-based diet for 28 days: enough time, Mr. Cooper said, for him to “detox” and change his palate. He has since lost 50 pounds and stopped diabetes medications.
“Ed and Amanda found a pot of gold,” Mr. Cooper said of plant-based eating. “They didn’t just sit on that. They brought that pot of gold to others.”
Through Get Healthy Marshall, Ms. Smith has organized monthly plant-based potlucks, which typically attract 30 to 40 people. The group also offers healthy-eating tours of a local supermarket, which stocks vegan staples like quinoa, an egg substitute for baking and half a dozen kinds of almond milk. The popularity of plant-based eating has also influenced at least six local restaurants to add vegan dishes to their menus. These restaurants are highlighted on gethealthymarshall.com.
Mr. Smith describes the vegan movement as a spectrum with animal rights on one end and health on the other. He said a few people had criticized him for not emphasizing the animal-rights aspect. That’s not the appropriate tactic for East Texas, he said. Mr. Smith himself comes from a cattle-ranching family and spent his summers as a teenager working on the ranch.
“People are much more receptive to the health” message, he said. “We’ve seen people make the change for health purposes, and once they’ve been able to disassociate themselves from animal products, all of a sudden they’re more receptive to what’s happening with animals. It’s not such a challenge to their own personal ethics.”
Education works better than legislation, said Brad Smith, a Forest Service firefighter from nearby Longview. Mr. Smith, who is not related to the mayor, adopted a plant-based diet after attending his first New Year, New You two years ago.
“It’s an inviting approach versus a regulatory approach,” he said of the mayor’s initiative. “People push back when you tell them what to do, especially in Texas, but when it’s their choice it may be more long lasting.”
We Are Giving Ourselves Cancer (Too Much Radiation)
great post. we just went to a viewing for a relative of john's who died too young of cancer (only 56). he was a doctor and i feel sad that he went the conventional route. we and others gave him information but i guess he trusted the opinions of his colleagues. there are so many testimonials of people healing with diet that the healing power of food (and the poisonous nature of what they call food today) just can't be ignored anymore. thank you for sharing this.
Today I would like to share some really great raw salad dressings. Wait, aren't all salad dressings considered raw? No they are not. Remember, you have to be very careful about the ingredients you use. Raw salad dressings are as unprocessed as possible. Using ingredients that are as close as possible to their natural state. That is why I choose first cold pressed olive oils, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and coconut vinegar, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. You get the picture. But keep in mind sometimes I will use a small amount of ingredients that may not be truly raw. For example, real maple syrup is heated to reduce the amount of water content and to make the syrup into what it is when we purchase it in jars. And I am pretty sure balsamic vinegar is not raw. I still love the taste sometimes in dressings so I don't mind using a tiny amount. I am not an extreme raw foodist . If I choose to eat something that is not raw I am fine with that. Keep it simple or ...
~ JMJ ~ I am happy to start posting on my new blog. I should introduce myself first. I am a wife and a mother of five children. I home school all of my children for religious and academic reasons. I choose to eat a raw living food diet. I love raw food and how this living food makes me feel. I have been eating raw living foods since November, 2009. My goal is to consume foods as close as possible to the way they appear in nature, the way God created them to be. Here I will share my experiences with the raw food lifestyle and great recipes I make/create each day. I will share raw food recipes, my sprouting adventures, square foot gardening and container gardening, favorite raw food book titles, raw food products, kitchen appliances, and tools that have helped me with food preparation. From time-to-time I just might share some homeschooling thoughts, experiences, ideas, and tips. I will also take time to reflect back on my days and find all the ways I can experience g...
Each year we make it a point to travel up to our favorite spot in the mountains. Some times we even get up there twice in one year. We decided to plan a our trip during the week that we normally attend the Homeschooling Conference. This year I just didn't feel the need to go to the conference and preferred a relaxing week in the mountains instead. This is the new cabin we chose. It is in the same area that we always go but we wanted to try staying at a different cabin for some variety. The cabin was lovely and we loved the property. Our views were stunning. Almost every night we enjoyed a blazing camp fire and even some glutenfree, vegan smores. We even could go on hikes right down the hill of the property we were renting. The kids had a blast exploring all that nature has to offer. We did many other fun things with the children to enjoy our time together. We took some of them horseback riding and the rest of us enjoyed following along in a c...