Day 1 of my Raw Shred (It's Never Too Late to Get Fit)

What an inspiring story to lead into today's post. I truly believe it is never too late to change ones lifestyle for the better. Listen to this amazing story and tell me you don't feel motivated to get moving or increase your level of fitness to an even higher level. Then read below as I record each day of what I call my 'Raw Shred'.


She's the oldest person ever to finish the Ironman Triathlon and even helped launch new age groups in the sport but Sister Madonna Buder says it's not about setting records or getting accolades. Her real mission is to encourage others to discover and develop their God-given gifts for the benefit of all. At 82 years old, Buder is a Roman Catholic Religious Sister and dedicated to leading by example. See what keeps her running, how she got started in her late 40s and hear her reflections on being just a mile away from finishing the Boston Marathon when the bombs exploded.


I have been working on my fitness schedule and routines the past year and a half and still feel the need to tweak things a bit. I just have not reached my goals and yesterday felt like the perfect time to instigate some major changes. I am making things up as I go along, listening to my body and making the changes that feel right. I am confident that I always feel my best when I consume an almost completely raw, low fat, vegan diet and when I incorporate at least 6 days of physical activity. I've learned over the years that in order to stay on track while living this lifestyle one needs to always have the house stocked with ripe fruits and veggies.

 Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my daily diet and workout routines as a way to hold myself accountable so that I can reach the goals that I have. Normally I would do 2 different routines/activity a day but now I feel the need to increase that to 3 or 4. I have been trying over the past year and a half to increase my muscle strength and endurance. It has improved a great deal and I am grateful but now I need to focus on defining my muscles as I try to increase my strength even more. I am even toying with the idea of trying to run at night. I am not a runner so this would be very basic, like starting out with maybe 10 minutes then working my way up slowly to 30 minutes. Just a thought in the back of my mind, we shall see what happens. Who knows, maybe someday in my old age I'll be running marathons like Sister Buder!!

 I will be sharing the links to the routines that I am doing and of course any recipes that I make.

Day 1 Raw Shred

16 oz water w/ lemon upon rising

2 oz of freshly juiced wheatgrass

1 large mug organic coffee w/ 1 tsp organic coconut nectar/sugar

32 oz green fruit soup: bananas, frozen very cherry blend from TJ's, 1 T chia seeds, water, 2 Harry & David pears, peeled (I am sure they are sprayed), and 1 T Organic India Fiber

I usually wait 1 hour after having my fruity soup before I workout. I prefer to workout first and then have my soup but some days don't go as planned so I do the best I can.

16 oz water while working out

Workout for the day:
 Warmed up w/ Fitness Blender's Quick Sweat Cardio Workout

Then I  did a 37 minute cardio burn by Fitness Blender as well.
16 oz water slammed right after cardio workout.

 Next I did the Fitness Blender's arms routine here:

While preparing dinner I enjoyed a mug of Yogi Chai Rooibos tea, just black.

Dinner was a big bowl full of romaine, diced pears and a sauce make from blending fresh OJ with organic blueberries.

Harry & David Pear Salad

by Elizabeth @

Shredded Romaine lettuce, organic

3 Harry & David Pears, peeled and diced

Juice of 2 organic oranges

1/2 C fresh organic blueberries

1/2 C frozen wild blueberries, thawed

Directions:Place romaine in a bowl, top with the diced pears. Blend the OJ and blueberries in a blender and pour over salad. Enjoy!!

Before bed I had another 16oz of water and I keep another 16 oz glass of lemon infused water in the bedroom so immediately when I wake I can drink it right down!!

+JMJ+ Today I am grateful for my gifts and I hope that I am using them in a way that glorifies The Lord as well.


shannonmarie said…
That salad look so pretty, simple and festive. I'll have to make that one. Thanks.

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